It may be that they have too many small loans to pay at the same time. It could be that their monthly expenses exceed their ability to repay the loans. It could be that they are not gainfully employed and cannot afford the repayment installments. Whatever the reason these borrowers risk defaulting on their loans. One way to avoid defaulting on you loans is to take out a consolidation loan from a government or private institution. ACS is a company that offers consolidation loans for former students.
ACS consolidation is offered to students who are in good standing on their loans. You can be in the grace period or repayment period on the loan term to consolidate with ACS. In some cases you are able to avail ACS consolidation if you are enrolled in a program or even if you are delinquent on your loans. If you are at risk of defaulting on your loans you will have to check with ACS to see if your loans are eligible for consolidation.