Defaulting on a loan means that you have gone past the stage of being delinquent (missing payments), to the point that the lender declares that you are unable to or are unwilling to repay the loan. If you have the option of deferring the loan or there is the possibility of forbearance, it is important that you take advantage of the option before you default on the loan. Many lenders are flexible with such issues and will work with you to ensure that the loan is repaid. ACS consolidation allows for deferment for financial hardship and unemployment as well as returning to education.
Even with consolidation loans you may find some time where you cannot repay the loans. The amount that you will have to pay will increase astronomically if you default and have to pay collection fees on top of the loan. The lenders will always find a way to get their money back. It may be by garnishing your wages or taking your tax return money. Additional problems of defaulting on an ACS consolidation or any other type of loan include:
- Low credit rating
- Ineligibility for federal aid
- Lawsuits
- Loss of deferment options
- The inability to obtain some licenses